Because AOL/Compuserve is being a butt...
- They just conveniently decided LiveJournal users are using too much bandwidth by posting pictures (coincidently on the same weekend they launched their own journalling service - *SNORT).

This is a place for my entries with pictures until I manage to change ISPs....
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Friday, February 21, 2003


blushing fishie

I am shocked, flabbergasted, touched and delighted - someone actually drew me! Well, my alter ego anyway - that's so sweet......*blushes and hides behind fan and mantilla - which I am suddenly able to hold - I had thought my fins were too short*

It's here - about halfway down the page.

Thank you, Joules and Lutra!

(I wanted to post this yesterday, but LJ was under a DDOS attack and I couldn't.)
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