Because AOL/Compuserve is being a butt...
- They just conveniently decided LiveJournal users are using too much bandwidth by posting pictures (coincidently on the same weekend they launched their own journalling service - *SNORT).

This is a place for my entries with pictures until I manage to change ISPs....
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Sunday, September 28, 2003

Let him eat cake...

I have so wasted so much time composing a farewell page fro RK's retirement book. The best I could come with was this:
Cedric Cooney hired me in 1989, and that holiday season, he told me I was welcome to come to the Fish and Game Christmas party. It was held at Rolf Mall’s house, and everyone was having a great time. I stood by the Christmas tree, hesitating because I didn’t know very many people yet. Suddenly, I felt an arm around my shoulders and a big smooch on my cheek. I was a bit surprised and I’m still not sure whether it was because you wanted to make new sci aides feel especially welcome or just that the eggnog had been spiked more than once.

I know you wanted to see how that picture looked on a cake...

In any case, I‘ve been lucky enough to stay for as long as I have, and you’ve been among my many mentors. Fish and fishermen alike will be missing a valuable ally.

Enjoy your retirement, Rick. Wishing you many future low scores…

I toyed with the idea of adding this story:
Shortly after I started as a permanent biologist, we started doing shark tagging cruises on our research vessel, once a year. I found it somewhat amusing that we were using the R/V MAKO to fish for and tag mako sharks. After I returned from being the BIC (biologist-in-charge, or biologist-in-competent, or biologist-is-crazy, take your pick) on my first cruise, another biologist asked me how it went.

"We had a lot of fun and tagged lots of sharks!" I exclaimed, somewhat unscientifically I suppose.

Replied the other biologist, "Well, for god's sake, don't tell Rick you had fun, or he'll never let you go again!"

I decided I'd better not.

I'm not really sure whether he liked it or not...

For some reason you are supposed to put a picture of yourself on these things, I suppose so the retiree can remember who you are, so I picked one of me being the intrepid biologist.

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