Because AOL/Compuserve is being a butt...
- They just conveniently decided LiveJournal users are using too much bandwidth by posting pictures (coincidently on the same weekend they launched their own journalling service - *SNORT).

This is a place for my entries with pictures until I manage to change ISPs....
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Saturday, December 20, 2003

Another belated birthday story...

I meant to write about John's B-day a while ago. His day is about a week and a half after mine. What often happens is he decides to get something nice for me and them when I go to get something for him, there's no money left. I was determine not to let that happen this year, so when I saw a statue of Captain America (his favorite superhero) in a catalog, I snapped it up at the beginning of October. These were nice because they were already 10 years old and had been just sitting in a warehouse. I told my Dad to keep an eye out for the box and to grab it when it came. When I got home from work I unpacked it and put the item in the closet in my Dad's room (about one of the few places John will not look) and put the empty shipping box in Dad's den (the other place he usually will not look.

I got home from work the next day, and John told me "I have bad news for you. I needed a box so I got one out of your dad's den. I found this in it." Then he handed me the invoice.

"I had to read it. I'm sorry."

So grrrr! The man is impossible to surprise. He told me later that he knew it was a Captain, but he didn't know exactly what, though.

Come the birthday. Was he surprised?

Tasty Captain...
Yes, I guess he did like it.
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