Because AOL/Compuserve is being a butt...
- They just conveniently decided LiveJournal users are using too much bandwidth by posting pictures (coincidently on the same weekend they launched their own journalling service - *SNORT).

This is a place for my entries with pictures until I manage to change ISPs....
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Friday, April 23, 2004

This is something we did during a training class we had yesterday, as part of trying to develop resilience to change. Part of becoming resilient is knowing yourself, so get a pencil and paper and...

...draw a pig.


This is fun.

Don't scroll down until you've drawn your pig!

Done yet?

Ok scroll some more....

This is your pig personality profile.

  1. If your pig is drawn on the top half of the paper, you are positive and optimistic.

  2. If your pig is drawn on the bottom half of the paper, you are pessimistic and negative.

  3. Facing left... You believe in tradition and are friendly.

  4. Face on...You are direct and play devil's advocate.

  5. Facing right...You are active, innovative, and can't remember dates

  6. Many details...You are cautious analytical, and tend to be distrustful

  7. Few details... You are naive, and are risk taking

  8. Four legs showing.. You are secure stubborn and stick to your ideals

  9. Fewer than four legs showing...You are insecure, or going through a change of life

  10. The bigger the ears... the better a listener

  11. If you drew a tail... the longer the tail the better the quality of your love life

Here's my pig.

Draw your own conclusions. Comments I got were, "How long have you been an artist?" (huh?) "You're trying to make the rest of us look bad." and "We came to the conclusion that your pig is scary."

Don't ask me why it's a razorback.
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