Because AOL/Compuserve is being a butt...
- They just conveniently decided LiveJournal users are using too much bandwidth by posting pictures (coincidently on the same weekend they launched their own journalling service - *SNORT).

This is a place for my entries with pictures until I manage to change ISPs....
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Can anyone who uses Photoshop give me a hint? *Looks at bakayaro_onna or anyone else who knows it*

(Lest I make you sick with more pictures of my cat...)
Back in November I did this little sketch of Bob while we were hanging out in the front yard. Later on, Avalon got into my sketchbook and my colored pens and decided to "help" me by coloring it.


Well, I scanned it and managed to figure out how to use the magic eraser to get rid of the colored lines.


But now, is there any way to fill in all the little white lines and spots left behind? Is there any shortcut, or do I just use the cloning tool to fill in with neighboring colors? Or should I just reduce the size so it's not as noticeable?

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