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Friday, June 11, 2004

"Remember that possum we couldn't find a few weeks ago?"

I got a phone yesterday starting with that sentence. John had gone to put a newly washed comforter in the hall closet and discovered a small opossum looking out at him. I told him to wait until I got home and I would try to catch it. My dad decided to call Animal Control, but by the time the person got there, it had disappeared again. He suggested getting a Hav-a-Hart Trap at the pet store - John was more of the opinion of just shooting it, but the guy told him they are protected (they aren't -I just looked it up in the code of regulations and they're in there with nuisance animals like coyotes, rodents, English sparrows and starlings - but I'm not telling him that). Today, he said that when he went outside and down the walk by the side of the house, he saw the possum again, looking out my dad's bathroom window. So took the screen off, found a board and put it from the window to the fence by walkway, then went back inside and shooed it out the window to the fence.

So that's taken care of. I think we'll have to wash everything that was stored in that cupboard - there were several turds left behind, but they're surprisingly dry and they don't smell. He must have ducked back in there after we were chasing him around, and come out at night to eat the cat food we leave in the bathroom. The screen door has been fixed and there is now a "no leaving the door open at night to let the cats in" rule.

These guys never did the "play dead" routine. Maybe they only do that when they're older.

Here's one of the little guys...

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