Because AOL/Compuserve is being a butt...
- They just conveniently decided LiveJournal users are using too much bandwidth by posting pictures (coincidently on the same weekend they launched their own journalling service - *SNORT).

This is a place for my entries with pictures until I manage to change ISPs....
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Wednesday, July 07, 2004

All of these were taken during the last 8 months or so. Angus took the first and last images, although I cropped them a little...

Me N Bob

2 Sphinxes - Bob with buddy Stimpy


scratching - temporary insanity

Favorite Position

Blow a Bubble:
I am so sorry to hear about your kitty.
I lost my Calli cat back in March. (He was 18) Losing a pet is the absolute WORST! My heart goes out to you.
Thanks for your thoughts. He was one of my best buddies for 13 years, and he's very much missed.

I was going to ask how you found me, but I see we have a few interests in common. :)
hehe yep. California, Kitties and Neil! :)
13 years is a LONG time! I am sure he knows how much he was loved. (Maybe my Calli is up there showing him around. >^..^< )
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