About Me
- Name: señoritafish
- Location: Huntington Beach, California, United States
Pictures, kids, cats, weirdness, and dead fish. Probably too much information here. This is an alternate to my LiveJournal. For more juicy entries (without pictures), you might want to read there.
fed the fishies!
The Beeyootiful banner above was made for me by my friend bakayaro_onna. Thanks so much!
Bob Laughlin
?/1988 - 7/6/2004
11:30 p.m.
One Damn Good Cat.
We love and miss him lots.
...For that familiar voice, that fur,
That soft weight missing from our laps,
That we had loved too well perhaps
And mourned from weakness of the heart:
A childish weakness, to regard
An animal whose life is brief
With such affection and such grief.
If this is foolish, so it be.
He was good company,
And we miss his gift
Of cat affection while he lived...
...Who gave the pleasure of himself:
The memory of our cat, Ralph.
- Garrison Keillor
from In Memory of Our Cat, Ralph

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-especially Paris in the Toilet - hella funny! - Neil Gaiman's Journal
Sandman's creator explains it all for you
Ensign Crusher grew up, got married, and became a passable writer - whooda thunkit?- GirlsArePretty.com
Because Mike commands it.
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Trust me on this.
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General Weirdness
Useless blobs, feminism and other fun stuff
Who Would Buy That?!
Seriously, who would?
- 06/01/2002 - 07/01/2002
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Because AOL/Compuserve is being a butt...
- They just conveniently decided LiveJournal users are using too much bandwidth by posting pictures (coincidently on the same weekend they launched their own journalling service - *SNORT).
This is a place for my entries with pictures until I manage to change ISPs....
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Monday, July 05, 2004
Preparing to say good-bye...
I was actually planning to go to Anime Expo today, but alas, my husband spent all the cash we had for the 4th, I don't have an ATM card right now, and the banks are closed today (since the 4th was on Sunday). Pooh. I was feeling a bit guilty about leaving Bob for that long anyway.
Bob does not seem to be in pain, but has not left the bathroom on his own since we brought him home Wednesday. That day, we brought him out in the front yard for some air, since he loved being outdoors, and the kids and I took him for one last walk around the block. He did this under his own power only a week and half ago. I carried him this time. Maybe this was for my own benefit, but he didn't protest being in my arms. Angus took this picture of us - he's becoming quite the photographer.
Since then, I've tried tempting him with fresh sardines I brought home from work, baby food, and some Nutri-Cal type paste that's supposed to stimulate appetites. The only exception was Friday night when Dad brought home some fried chicken. I set aside some small pieces and offered them to him and he actually ate them out of my hand. It was the first thing I'd seen him eat for almost a week. He is still moving around and able to use the cat box, although he's constantly getting weaker. He's always been one to keep us company in the bathroom. It breaks my heart that he is still trying to do that. We come in to use the facilities, and he comes over, lies down and puts his head on my foot. His purr, for now, is as strong as ever, and he still stretches out his neck and ears to be scratched. I want to record it. His fur is just as soft as it ever was. I try to go in every once a while and just sit with him, and pet him. He seems to enjoy it, even if he doesn't want to lay in my lap or on the bed with me.
I've tried to tell the kids. Gareth definitely gets it and he's sad, but being a trooper. Angus is vehemently in denial, which is how he usually deals with these kinds of things. I think Avalon is too little - she understands that Bob doesn't feel well, but still needs to be reminded to be gentle with him. While he was in the front yard the other day, he decided to move over and lie in the shade of the car, in the gutter. I let him, and while I checking some settings on my camera, Avalon went over and put her feet on him. Bob bit her on both heels, hard enough to draw blood - something he's never done before. But we've always told her the cats are allowed to defend themselves, and in any case, they weren't deep. I cleaned them out and bandaged her heels, and she forgave and forgot almost immediately.
I don't know if this is a good idea or not. I was thinking of an episode of the animated version of Star Trek. There was a story where Spock had to time travel to save himself as a child, when he had run away because the other Vulcan children were teasing him. When the young Spock is attacked by a le-matya, his life is saved by his pet sehlat (an animal his mother described as a 6-foot Teddy Bear...with fangs), but was mortally injured in the process. A healer tells the young Spock he is unable to save him, and he will have to make the decision to do the right thing. I was thinking of having the kids watch this to help explain what will happen with Bob, but I can't find my copy of the the tape. I was quite sure I had that one, since it was one of the better episodes.
I also don't know if they should come with to the vet. I don't know if I can handle it myself, despite what I told after she lost her dog.
I know I'm going to have to say good-bye soon. It's so hard to let go of such a dear friend.
Bob does not seem to be in pain, but has not left the bathroom on his own since we brought him home Wednesday. That day, we brought him out in the front yard for some air, since he loved being outdoors, and the kids and I took him for one last walk around the block. He did this under his own power only a week and half ago. I carried him this time. Maybe this was for my own benefit, but he didn't protest being in my arms. Angus took this picture of us - he's becoming quite the photographer.
Since then, I've tried tempting him with fresh sardines I brought home from work, baby food, and some Nutri-Cal type paste that's supposed to stimulate appetites. The only exception was Friday night when Dad brought home some fried chicken. I set aside some small pieces and offered them to him and he actually ate them out of my hand. It was the first thing I'd seen him eat for almost a week. He is still moving around and able to use the cat box, although he's constantly getting weaker. He's always been one to keep us company in the bathroom. It breaks my heart that he is still trying to do that. We come in to use the facilities, and he comes over, lies down and puts his head on my foot. His purr, for now, is as strong as ever, and he still stretches out his neck and ears to be scratched. I want to record it. His fur is just as soft as it ever was. I try to go in every once a while and just sit with him, and pet him. He seems to enjoy it, even if he doesn't want to lay in my lap or on the bed with me.
I've tried to tell the kids. Gareth definitely gets it and he's sad, but being a trooper. Angus is vehemently in denial, which is how he usually deals with these kinds of things. I think Avalon is too little - she understands that Bob doesn't feel well, but still needs to be reminded to be gentle with him. While he was in the front yard the other day, he decided to move over and lie in the shade of the car, in the gutter. I let him, and while I checking some settings on my camera, Avalon went over and put her feet on him. Bob bit her on both heels, hard enough to draw blood - something he's never done before. But we've always told her the cats are allowed to defend themselves, and in any case, they weren't deep. I cleaned them out and bandaged her heels, and she forgave and forgot almost immediately.
I don't know if this is a good idea or not. I was thinking of an episode of the animated version of Star Trek. There was a story where Spock had to time travel to save himself as a child, when he had run away because the other Vulcan children were teasing him. When the young Spock is attacked by a le-matya, his life is saved by his pet sehlat (an animal his mother described as a 6-foot Teddy Bear...with fangs), but was mortally injured in the process. A healer tells the young Spock he is unable to save him, and he will have to make the decision to do the right thing. I was thinking of having the kids watch this to help explain what will happen with Bob, but I can't find my copy of the the tape. I was quite sure I had that one, since it was one of the better episodes.
I also don't know if they should come with to the vet. I don't know if I can handle it myself, despite what I told
I know I'm going to have to say good-bye soon. It's so hard to let go of such a dear friend.