About Me
- Name: señoritafish
- Location: Huntington Beach, California, United States
Pictures, kids, cats, weirdness, and dead fish. Probably too much information here. This is an alternate to my LiveJournal. For more juicy entries (without pictures), you might want to read there.
fed the fishies!
The Beeyootiful banner above was made for me by my friend bakayaro_onna. Thanks so much!
Bob Laughlin
?/1988 - 7/6/2004
11:30 p.m.
One Damn Good Cat.
We love and miss him lots.
...For that familiar voice, that fur,
That soft weight missing from our laps,
That we had loved too well perhaps
And mourned from weakness of the heart:
A childish weakness, to regard
An animal whose life is brief
With such affection and such grief.
If this is foolish, so it be.
He was good company,
And we miss his gift
Of cat affection while he lived...
...Who gave the pleasure of himself:
The memory of our cat, Ralph.
- Garrison Keillor
from In Memory of Our Cat, Ralph

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Because AOL/Compuserve is being a butt...
- They just conveniently decided LiveJournal users are using too much bandwidth by posting pictures (coincidently on the same weekend they launched their own journalling service - *SNORT).
This is a place for my entries with pictures until I manage to change ISPs....
Click on "Blow some bubbles" to read comments or leave one yourself. Won't you leave one to let me know you stopped by?
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Mystery fish not so mysterious...
While she was sampling fish yesterday, DP noticed a few of these tiny tuna-like fish among the sardines. She brought a few of them back to identify because the fishermen were calling them wahoo, and she didn't think that was quite right. She thought they might have been bonito. We asked several people around the office, and they thought so too. They seemed to be shaped right, and the teeth were right, and the number of finlets, but what was throwing everyone off is that bonito are supposed to have oblique stripes along their backs. These did not have any, but they did have vertical bars all along their bodies. CK downstairs, an avid sportfisherman, went and got a copy of Western Outdoor Lies News that had very nice picture of a wahoo on the front cover (he had kept it because he got his picture in it with a bluefin he'd caught)- and VT and I decided these little guys were definitely not wahoo - the stripes were not quite the same, and they definitely did not have the sharply beaky face of a wahoo...
They were quite tiny, barely bigger than the juvenile sardines they were captured with.
The first one had faded a bit - on this one you can still see the bars pretty clearly, and the lack of oblique stripes.
However, finally I found this picture (on our own web page, no less - duh!), that does show a bonito with both vertical bars and oblique stripes.
(click to go to DFG Sportfish ID webpage)
Here's another I found with the vertical bars.
It's funny that any of the ID guides we used don't even mention them. Maybe they have the vertical bars when they're young, and develop the oblique lines as they get older? There are many juvenile fish that look completely different as adults. Maybe the fish in the last two photos are transitional - most pictures of bonito don't seem to have the vertical bars although a few others at Fishbase.org show vague ones.
They were quite tiny, barely bigger than the juvenile sardines they were captured with.
The first one had faded a bit - on this one you can still see the bars pretty clearly, and the lack of oblique stripes.
However, finally I found this picture (on our own web page, no less - duh!), that does show a bonito with both vertical bars and oblique stripes.
(click to go to DFG Sportfish ID webpage)
Here's another I found with the vertical bars.
It's funny that any of the ID guides we used don't even mention them. Maybe they have the vertical bars when they're young, and develop the oblique lines as they get older? There are many juvenile fish that look completely different as adults. Maybe the fish in the last two photos are transitional - most pictures of bonito don't seem to have the vertical bars although a few others at Fishbase.org show vague ones.
Heh, I like this Bebop thingie...Don't tell runsamuck...
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Hmm, I think we just had an earthquake. I just felt my chair sort of vibrating under the backs of my thighs for about 10 seconds, and then VT said, "Are we having an earthquake?" TN said he didn't feel anything, but he was going to check the CalTech website. Actually AL got there first.
Yup, it was a 4.7, epicenter 7 miles southwest of Edwards Air force Base.
Um, no...
Still the biggest one in the last week...
...but it first appeared like this...
Then changed to this....
...and now finally looks like this.
Magnitude 5.2, south of San Clemente Island, in the sea floor. The earlier quake has disappeared off the map. I guess their directions were off at first? Actually a stronger quake, but around the same distance away from us, in the opposite direction.
Yup, it was a 4.7, epicenter 7 miles southwest of Edwards Air force Base.
Um, no...
Still the biggest one in the last week...
...but it first appeared like this...
Then changed to this....
...and now finally looks like this.
Magnitude 5.2, south of San Clemente Island, in the sea floor. The earlier quake has disappeared off the map. I guess their directions were off at first? Actually a stronger quake, but around the same distance away from us, in the opposite direction.
Can anyone who uses Photoshop give me a hint? *Looks at bakayaro_onna or anyone else who knows it*
(Lest I make you sick with more pictures of my cat...)
Back in November I did this little sketch of Bob while we were hanging out in the front yard. Later on, Avalon got into my sketchbook and my colored pens and decided to "help" me by coloring it.
Well, I scanned it and managed to figure out how to use the magic eraser to get rid of the colored lines.
But now, is there any way to fill in all the little white lines and spots left behind? Is there any shortcut, or do I just use the cloning tool to fill in with neighboring colors? Or should I just reduce the size so it's not as noticeable?
(Lest I make you sick with more pictures of my cat...)
Back in November I did this little sketch of Bob while we were hanging out in the front yard. Later on, Avalon got into my sketchbook and my colored pens and decided to "help" me by coloring it.
Well, I scanned it and managed to figure out how to use the magic eraser to get rid of the colored lines.
But now, is there any way to fill in all the little white lines and spots left behind? Is there any shortcut, or do I just use the cloning tool to fill in with neighboring colors? Or should I just reduce the size so it's not as noticeable?
Friday, June 11, 2004
Bob cat...
Honestly, my crazy cat just went and jumped on top of some neighbor's Scottish terrier as they were walking by. What is it with him?! To tell the truth, I think he's really protective of Avalon. I don't think he's as aggressive to passing dogs unless she's in the front yard. You'd think a 15 year old cat would have more instinct for self-preservation. And now, I look outside and he's letting some other people scratch his ears.
Or else he's taking his name too much to heart.
(Yes, I fiddled with this a bit in Photoshop)
Or else he's taking his name too much to heart.
(Yes, I fiddled with this a bit in Photoshop)
"Remember that possum we couldn't find a few weeks ago?"
I got a phone yesterday starting with that sentence. John had gone to put a newly washed comforter in the hall closet and discovered a small opossum looking out at him. I told him to wait until I got home and I would try to catch it. My dad decided to call Animal Control, but by the time the person got there, it had disappeared again. He suggested getting a Hav-a-Hart Trap at the pet store - John was more of the opinion of just shooting it, but the guy told him they are protected (they aren't -I just looked it up in the code of regulations and they're in there with nuisance animals like coyotes, rodents, English sparrows and starlings - but I'm not telling him that). Today, he said that when he went outside and down the walk by the side of the house, he saw the possum again, looking out my dad's bathroom window. So took the screen off, found a board and put it from the window to the fence by walkway, then went back inside and shooed it out the window to the fence.
So that's taken care of. I think we'll have to wash everything that was stored in that cupboard - there were several turds left behind, but they're surprisingly dry and they don't smell. He must have ducked back in there after we were chasing him around, and come out at night to eat the cat food we leave in the bathroom. The screen door has been fixed and there is now a "no leaving the door open at night to let the cats in" rule.
These guys never did the "play dead" routine. Maybe they only do that when they're older.
Here's one of the little guys...
So that's taken care of. I think we'll have to wash everything that was stored in that cupboard - there were several turds left behind, but they're surprisingly dry and they don't smell. He must have ducked back in there after we were chasing him around, and come out at night to eat the cat food we leave in the bathroom. The screen door has been fixed and there is now a "no leaving the door open at night to let the cats in" rule.
These guys never did the "play dead" routine. Maybe they only do that when they're older.
Here's one of the little guys...
INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population. |
personality tests by similarminds.com
more about INFPs
Brain Lateralization Test Results |
Right Brain (72%) high which suggests you are very visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive. Left Brain (42%) moderately low which suggests you tend to be illogical, inarticulate, unassertive, and impractical. |
personality tests by similarminds.com
I always thought I was a right-brained person who chose a left-brained career...
Monday, June 07, 2004
senoritafish's LJ stalker is avphibes! |
avphibes is stalking you because you are good at bowling. They are also getting with your significant other! |
Somehow I don't think so. Although I do appreciate being on her friends list, I can't think there's anything of much interest here for her. And I don't think
(the last box he made for VT's anniversary...)
VT wanted a larger one - he usually makes them a lot smaller than this...
Or I could send her a kid. I made 'em myself...hahaha!